
BOOKWYRMZ is my platform for expressing myself and for sharing my thoughts on the books I read.

Its values are designed to reflect this. If I had to sum it all up into one word, I would say that BOOKWYRMZ is AWE-some, AWE of course being an acronym for:

  • Authentic & Sincere. I only read and talk about books and stuff I’m genuinely excited about, and my thoughts and reviews are always sincere.
  • Wholesome & Kind. I wish to spread kindness to the community and build wholesome relationships. We are all bookwyrmz together!
  • Expressive & Passionate. I seek to creatively express myself and my passion for the things I love and enjoy. I hope this also inspires passion in others.

Furthermore, I believe we can all do with a little bit more magic and joy in our lives, and that’s why I try to make BOOKWYRMZ magical as well!

I wish you all a joyful and magical day!
